Three Sisters

Three Sisters

from $3,450.00
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Hana, Hawaii

This waterfall was more than just a feature in a guidebook; it was a personal canvas that allowed me to explore and refine my photography skills. Seeing it up close, feeling the spray of the water, and witnessing its powerful flow was an experience that resonated deeply with me. It was one of the first waterfalls I had the opportunity to shoot, marking the beginning of a journey filled with learning and exploration.

Finding the perfect conditions to capture its essence took time and multiple visits. The waterfall had its own rhythms, changing its appearance with the weather and rainfall. Sometimes it was a mighty flow, while at other times, it trickled down in narrow streams, each presenting a different facet of its beauty.

After several visits spread across several years, the perfect moment finally unveiled itself. The sky was overcast, casting a soft, diffused light that eliminated harsh shadows and glares. The recent rains had nourished the surroundings, saturating the scene with vibrant greens, and the waterfall flowed with a robust yet elegant force.

Capturing this image was a fulfilling moment, a culmination of patience and continuous learning. This waterfall, one of my initial subjects, remains a cherished memory, symbolizing the passion and dedication that has driven my journey in photography. It's an image that carries not just the visual beauty of the scene, but also the personal journey and love for capturing the extraordinary moments nature unveils.


50 Artist Proof | 700 Limited Edition

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