Eye In The Sky

Eye In The Sky

from $3,095.00
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Moab, Utah

In the vast expanses of the desert, where the landscapes stretch boundlessly under the open sky, I found a location that captivated my spirit. It was a place where the horizons seemed endless, and the sky put on a magnificent show of celestial lights after dusk. Camping there overnight, I was enveloped in a celestial theater, watching the stars and the Milky Way adorn the night, each star playing a note in a symphony of lights that echoed across the silent desert.

Years were spent returning to this powerful spot, each visit a chance to capture the essence of dawn and dusk, where the soft early lights and the fiery embrace of the setting sun painted the canyon with vibrant strokes of color. The view through the canyon seemed like a natural frame, a window to the world below, aligning perfectly with the horizons and the unfolding skies.

One memorable evening, with my tripod set and my dog Rylee by my side, the sunset revealed a spectacle of colors. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky transformed, emulating a canvas set on fire, rich with warm, flaming hues. This moment, captured through the lens, resulted in an image I named "Eye in The Sky."

The image carries the essence of many cherished moments, encapsulating the beauty and the relentless allure of nature's theater. It's a vibrant testimony to the countless sunsets and sunrises witnessed in this spot, each leaving a unique imprint on the canvas of the sky and the heart of the observer.


19 Artist Proof | 200 Limited Edition

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