Endless Summer

Endless Summer

from $3,750.00
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Orono, Minnesota

In my quest to find unique landscapes in Minnesota, I embarked on a year-long journey of exploration, seeking out untouched and less frequented locations. My goal has always been to avoid the commonplace, to find new perspectives in the places that aren’t featured in every photographer's portfolio. In this pursuit, I discovered that the lakes in Minnetonka held a quiet, unexposed beauty, waiting to be captured.

Day after day, I returned to one specific spot, a simple yet captivating jetty. It became a routine, setting up my camera each evening, waiting for the perfect interplay of sunset and serenity to grace the lake’s surface. I was looking for a moment where the water was just calm enough to mirror the sky, creating a flawless reflection.

After countless days of patience and observation, the moment finally presented itself. The sunset bathed the sky in a mesmerizing palette of pink and blue hues, casting a warm, soft glow that reflected beautifully on the lake’s surface. The jetty, extending into the distance, seemed to lead into infinity, embraced by the colors of the endless summer sky.

Naming this image "Endless Summer" felt right. It encapsulated the feeling of those warm August days, the continuous beauty of Minnesotan landscapes, and the timeless moments spent waiting for the perfect shot. It represents not just a physical location, but a personal journey of discovery, patience, and a passion for capturing the unexplored beauty of Minnesota.


6 Artist Proof | 80 Limited Edition

Artwork ships in 3-6 weeks depending on size and season if you are interested in purchasing an artist proof or need custom sizing information please email us here.